Gregory Wayne Davis
Home Town: Fredericton, NB
Training Division: “Depot”
Troop: Tr. 4 1980
Regimental Number: 35887
Divisions Served: “F,” “J”
Medals & Honours: 20 Year Long Service Medal, 25 Year Long Service Medal with Bronze Clasp, 30 Year Long Service Medal with Silver Clasp, 35 Year Long Service Medal with Gold Clasp
Pillar Location: Coming Soon
My name is Greg Davis and my home town is Fredericton, New Brunswick. I was a Regular Member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I proudly served as a Peace Officer for a total of 36.13 years, with both the R.C.M.P. and the New Brunswick Highway Patrol.
I graduated from Fredericton High School in June 1977. I became interested in a career with the R.C.M.P., as I wished to serve and protect the public. I applied for the force on August 16, 1977 at Fredericton, N.B. While awaiting my call to the force, I secured employment as an Electrical Estimator. On April 7, 1979, I married my high school sweet heart, Vicky Wilson. The following year I was notified that I was accepted as a regular member of the force and I was sworn in at the Fredericton Headquarters on May 6, 1980, with my spouse in attendance. I immediately jumped on an airplane and headed off to Regina for Basic Recruit Training.
On May 9, 1980 I commenced Basic Recruit Training as a member of Troop # 4. I was a member of one of the first troops which allowed married members. Our troop’s motto was, “The force of four.” While I was in training, my wife decided to move out to Regina, as per my suggestion. She took up residence in a small apartment on Rose Street, located near the beautiful Wascana Centre Park. I frequently enjoyed visiting with her, when time permitted, for a little rest, relaxation and weekly laundry. I graduated from Depot on November 3, 1980. After returning home to New Brunswick for a short visit, Vicky and I drove back out west to start my career.
On December 1, 1980, I was posted to Balcarrres Detachment in “F” Division. I was assigned to General Detachment Duties. My Recruit Field Trainer was Cst. Hans PELZER, who became a great mentor and friend. Vicky and I still communicate with Hans and his wife to this day. Vicky and I greatly enjoyed our time in Balcarres. My first daughter, Heather was born In Regina during my posting at Balcarres. While I was there, I applied for service in Northern Saskatchewan. As a result, we were transferred to Onion Lake Detachment, commencing on March 2, 1983. While we were posted at Onion Lake Detachment, we were saddened by the loss of one of my fellow members, S/Cst. Derald THOMAS, who died in a tragic accident near his home in Ranger, Saskatchewan. Derald came to Onion Lake as a recruit and I as assigned as his trainer. We greatly miss Derald and still mourn is loss to this day. My second daughter, Betty was born at Paradise Hill, during my posting at Onion Lake. On July 28, 1985, I resigned from the force and moved back to my home Province of New Brunswick, due to family considerations.
I joined the New Brunswick Highway Patrol (Regimental # 11179) on August 6., 1985 and served at Harvey Station and Douglastown Detachments. On January 31. 1989, the N.B.H.P. disbanded and their duties were absorbed by the R.C.M.P. I re-applied for the force and was again accepted. I was very fortunate to retain my pension and service time with the N.B.H.P., as it was considered as an absorbed police force by the R.C.M.P. I re-joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on February 2, 1989 and was posted to Newcastle Detachment in “J” Division. On March 30, 1989, I returned to Depot Division and joined Re-Entry Troop # 4, for mandatory training, for a six week period. I was required to return for re-entry training, as I had been absent from the force for a short time. Our troop’s motto was, “We may be older, Budweiser.” I completed Re-Entry Training on April 21, 1989. My wife found her life very challenging during that time period , as she had to look after two young children and a home, during my absence. In addition, while I was posted at Newcastle Detachment, I was involved with several murder investigations involving one of the most notorious serial killers in Canadian history, Allan Legere, who was dubbed the “Monster of the Miramichi.” This was also a very stressful time for my family and I. We were very thankful when he was finally captured and convicted of the several murders that he had committed. On July 29, 1992, I was posted to McAdam Detachment. I served at McAdam Detachment for a total of 10 years. On July 2, 2002, I was posted to Oromocto Detachment. I served at Oromocto Detachment for a total of 14 years. I performed both General Detachment Duties and Highway Patrol Duties. The last few years of my career, I was a member of the Traffic Services Unit, in which I greatly enjoyed. On July 1, 2016, I happily retired from the force.
I served as a member of the R.C.M.P. for a total of 32 years, 7 months and 23 days. I served as a member of the N.B.H.P. for a total of 3 years, 5 months and 25 days.
I proudly served as a peace officer for a total of 36.13 years. I worked in the front lines my entire career, performing both General Detachment and Highway Patrol Duties.
I am happily retired and enjoy sharing my time and adventures with the love of my life, Vicky and my little Cairn Terrier dog, Bonny. We have made Fredericton, New Brunswick our retirement home. Vicky and I love the Maritimes and our home Province of New Brunswick. We enjoy travelling and having new experiences. Upon my retirement, I joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Veteran’s Association.
I am a proud Husband, Father and Grandfather to two fabulous Grandsons, Liam and Caleb. I have been very fortunate and blessed to have been a member of one of the greatest organizations in the world, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. We had a great time living it.
Be careful out there and may the force be with you!
Maintain the Right!
“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”