Donald Alexander Guild
Training Division: “Depot”
Divisions Served: “H,” “F,” “O”
Pillar Location: Pillar IX, Row 31, Column A
Married with 3 children and 4 grandchildren
After leaving the force, was employed as Security & Investigations Manager with Maple Lodge Farms, Ltd., in Brampton Ontario, as well as being active in the RCMP Veterans’ Association of Toronto, including serving on the executive for four years and correspondent with the RCMP Quarterly for Toronto Division.
Enjoyed travelling extensively: cruises in the Caribbean and Europe, numerous trips to Caribbean and South America, United Kingdom, Scotland, Ireland, and Continental Europe.
Enjoyed spending time with grandchildren, taking them to their various activities and sharing their experiences.
Special memories were created during annual family camping excursions to Algonquin Park. We would go about our activities, hiking, canoeing, sightseeing, visiting museums, and point of interest. We would go in the late afternoon to prepare our evening meals and share stories about our day and other events. These occasions are among some of the fondest memories we have as a family and are often recalled on this day.
Don enjoyed every opportunity for family to get together: birthdays, seasonal and special events to get updated on everyone’s activities.